第一次聽到這首歌,是 Eli Lieb 的版本




Feet don't fail me now 如今腳步不會停止
Take me to the finish line 帶我到達終點線
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take 每走一步心就碎一次
But I'm hoping at the gates, 我希望在那終將之門
They'll tell me that you're mine 他們會說你屬於我

Walking through the city streets 走過城市街道
Is it by mistake or design 這一切是個錯誤還是精心設計
I feel so alone on the Friday nights 星期五的夜晚我感到如此孤單
Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you're mine 是否能讓我安心,如果我說你屬於我
It's like I told you honey 如同我曾對你說的,親愛的

Don't make me sad, don't make me cry 別讓我難受,別讓我哭泣
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough 有時愛無法填滿,而路又如此艱難
I don't know why 我不懂這是為什麼
Keep making me laugh 讓我持續大笑
Let's go get high 讓我們找點樂子
The road is long, we carry on 路還很長,日子只能繼續過
Try to have fun in the meantime 嘗試同時苦中作樂

Come on take a walk on the wild side 來吧,退去所有枷鎖
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain 讓我在傾盆大雨中吻你
You like your girls insane 你喜歡我陷入瘋狂
Choose your last words, this is the last time 慎選你要說的話,這將是最後一次
Cause you and I, we were born to die 因為你和我,我們終究死亡

Lost but now I am found 曾經迷失但如今找回自己
I can see but once I was blind 我曾經被蒙蔽
I was so confused as a little child 如同小孩子一樣困惑
Trying to take what I could get 嘗試拿走我所能觸及的東西
Scared that I couldn't find 害怕無法找到
All the answers honey 所有的答案阿,親愛的

Don't make me sad, don't make me cry 別讓我難受,別讓我哭泣
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough 有時愛無法填滿,而路又如此艱難
I don't know why 我不懂這是為什麼
Keep making me laugh 讓我持續大笑
Let's go get high 讓我們找點樂子
The road is long, we carry on 路還很長,日子只能繼續過
Try to have fun in the meantime 嘗試同時苦中作樂

Come on take a walk on the wild side 來吧,退去所有枷鎖
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain 讓我在傾盆大雨中吻你
You like your girls insane 你喜歡我陷入瘋狂
Choose your last words, 慎選你要說的話
This is the last time 這將是最後一次
Cause you and I 因為你和我
We were born to die [x3] 我們終將死亡

Come on and take a walk on the wild side 來吧,退去所有枷鎖
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain 讓我在傾盆大雨中吻你
You like your girls insane 你喜歡我陷入瘋狂

Don't make me sad, don't make me cry 別讓我難受,別讓我哭泣
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough 有時愛無法填滿,而路又如此艱難
I don't know why 我不懂這是為什麼
Keep making me laugh 讓我持續大笑
Let's go get high 讓我們找點樂子
The road is long, we carry on 路還很長,日子只能繼續過
Try to have fun in the meantime 嘗試同時苦中作樂

Come on take a walk on the wild side 來吧,退去所有枷鎖
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain 讓我在傾盆大雨中吻你
You like your girls insane... 你喜歡我陷入瘋狂
Choose your last words, 慎選你要說的話
This is the last time 這將是最後一次
Cause you and I 因為你和我
We were born to die 我們終將死亡


同時他的原版是 Lana Del Rey 所唱



在這裡有幾句翻譯的不同 (有許多是意譯,並非照翻)

1. Come on take a walk on the wild side 

許多人將它譯為走在荒野中,不過將wild side 作為"野性的一面"似乎也說得通@@

2. You like your girls insane

正確的應該是"你喜歡你的女孩陷入瘋狂",不過看過 Eli 的版本後決定先將他作為對象而非性別

3. Feet don't fail me now"

翻譯有 "我的步履不再蹣跚"、"腳步不再徬徨"等,最白話的翻譯是"腳不會讓我失敗",對照前後文

可以將它理解為 在到達終點線之前我不會跌倒、停止走路

4. Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough

似乎也有寫成 "Sometimes love is not enough when the road gets tough"如此一來就會翻成




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