Oh, misty eye of the mountain below 喔,山下之靈的迷霧之眼
Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls 小心地看照我兄弟們的靈魂
And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke 當天空充滿火焰和濃煙時
Keep watching over Durin's sons 請您繼續守護我都靈子民

If this is to end in fire 如果這一切將在火焰裡終結
Then we should all burn together 那就讓我們一同燃燒殆盡
Watch the flames climb high into the night 看著火舌爬升直衝夜空
Calling out father, oh, stand by and we will 輕喚祖靈,請與我們同在
Watch the flames burn auburn on 看著火焰
The mountain side 將整片山染成赤褐

And if we should die tonight 如果我們撐不過今晚
Then we should all die together 那麼就讓我們一同死去
Raise a glass of wine for the last time 為生命最後一次舉杯
Calling out father, oh 呼喚先祖之靈
Prepare as we will 我們已準備好
Watch the flames burn auburn over 看著火焰
The mountain side 將整片山染成赤褐

Desolation comes upon the sky 悲愴在天空蔓延開來

Now I see fire 如今我看見火焰
Inside the mountain 牠在山裡燃燒
I see fire 我看見火焰
Burning the trees 燃燒著樹木
And I see fire 然後我看見火焰
Hollowing souls 吞噬一具具靈魂
I see fire 我看見火焰
Blood in the breeze 風裡都是血的味道
And I hope that you remember me 希望有人能記得我

Oh, should my people fall in 喔,當我的人民殞落
Surely I'll do the same 我也將跟隨他們而去
Confined in mountain halls 我們被困在城堡大廳
We got too close to the flame 如此接近火焰
Calling out father 呼喚先祖之名
Hold fast and we will 我們將緊握彼此
Watch the flames burn auburn on 注視烈焰
The mountain side 將整片山燒成赤褐

Desolation comes upon the sky 悲涼在天空蔓延開來

Now I see fire 我看見火焰
Inside the mountain 牠在山裡燃燒
I see fire 我看見火焰
Burning the trees 燃燒著樹木
And I see fire 然後我看見火焰
Hollowing souls 吞噬一具具靈魂
And I see fire 我看見火焰
Blood in the breeze 風裡都是血的味道
And I hope that you remember me 希望有人能記得我

And if the night is burning 當夜晚火光燃燒
I will cover my eyes 我將閉起雙眼
For if the dark returns then 因黑暗回歸之時
My brothers will die 我的兄弟們也已死去
And as the sky is falling down 當黑幕降臨在大地上
It crashed into this lonely town 牠將擊毀這蒼涼的城鎮
And with that shadow upon the ground 當牠的陰影壟罩
I hear my people screaming out 我聽到人民大聲哭嚎

Now I see fire 我看見火焰
Inside the mountain 牠在山裡燃燒
I see fire 我看見火焰
Burning the trees 燃燒著樹木
And I see fire 然後我看見火焰
Hollowing souls 吞噬一具具靈魂
And I see fire 我看見火焰
Blood in the breeze 風裡都是血的味道

I see fire (Oh you know I saw a city burning) (fire) 我看見火焰 (你可知道我看著城市在燃燒) (火焰阿)
And I see fire (Feel the heat upon my skin, yeah) (fire) 我看見火焰 (感受火焰灼燒我的皮膚) (火焰阿)
And I see fire (Uh-uh-uh-uh) (fire) 我看見火焰 噢噢噢噢 (火焰阿)
And I see fire burn auburn on the mountain side 我看著火焰將山燒成一片赤褐


當然這首歌應該不是叫史矛革之歌 :P ((這是我亂叫的

不過我猜這裡的火焰( I see fire )除了指真正意義的火以外






都靈在迷霧山脈(Misty Mountains)的北部剛達巴山(Mount Gundabad)甦醒




炎魔殺了矮人國王都靈六世(Durin VI)和他的兒子

無法趕走炎魔的矮人們只好重回矮人故鄉---孤山(Lonely Mountain) (而後凱薩督姆便被精靈稱之為摩瑞亞Moria)




電影哈比人即是在描述索爾之孫---索林‧橡木盾(Thorin Oakenshield)重新奪回孤山的旅程


"misty eye of the mountain below"其中的mountain below即是指孤山

孤山的矮人國王又稱為,山下國王(King under the Mountain)

"It crashed into this lonely town"中的lonely town應該就是河谷鎮

由"I hear my people screaming out"推測

這首歌的主角不是索恩二世(Thráin II)(索林‧橡木盾的父親) 就是索林‧橡木盾




參考資料 : 維基百科 迷霧山脈 摩瑞亞 孤山 索林·橡木盾 史矛革 羅馬尼安 都靈



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